LAP-BAND® Prices and Payment Options
The LAP-BAND® has helped thousands of people who struggled with morbid obesity to lead healthier, happier lives. Unfortunately, many of those who might benefit from this potentially life-saving procedure fail to take that all-important first step of seeking information from an experienced bariatric surgeon, perhaps because they believe they won’t possibly be able to afford such state-of-the-art treatment. However, at the bariatric surgery practice of Dr. Joseph Naim in Los Angeles, LAP-BAND® costs are made as affordable as possible for people on a variety of budgets.
If you are massively overweight and want help taking control of your life, we have good news for you: LAP-BAND® surgery is almost certainly within your financial reach.
LAP-BAND® and Insurance
If you have medical insurance, there is a good possibility that your policy covers at least part of the cost of LAP-BAND® surgery. In 2012, more than 90 percent of all LAP-BAND® procedures performed were covered either partially or fully by insurance. Bariatric surgeon Joseph Naim accepts the following insurance:
- Aetna
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Medicare
- Tricare
- UnitedHealthCare
If you are insured by any of these companies, we urge you to consult your policy or contact your insurance representative to find out whether at least a portion of your LAP-BAND® surgery will be reimbursed. In many cases, insurance policies do cover bariatric procedures when they are deemed medically necessary.
If you have any issues regarding your insurance coverage, we would be pleased to help you sort them out.
Financing Options
Dr. Naim also offers financing options through his bariatric surgery practice. He believes that surgical weight loss procedures should be accessible to anyone who needs it, and that budgetary restrictions should not preclude a person from receiving medical care that could potentially save or extend his or her life. If you are concerned about the cost of LAP-BAND® surgery, Dr. Naim encourages you to meet with him in a private, one-on-one consultation before deciding that you cannot afford the procedure. You may be surprised at just how affordable the LAP-BAND® System can be when the cost is broken down into monthly payments.
The key point is that, while the cost of surgery is an important factor, it should not be the sole or even the primary factor in your decision-making process. It is better to find out whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and what its benefits and risks are before you make your decision. If you decide that you do wish to undergo LAP-BAND® surgery, you can then work with Dr. Naim toward finding the best way to afford the procedure.
Other Financial Options
If you prefer, you can also use a credit card or even take out a loan from a third-party lender to cover the cost of your LAP-BAND® procedure. You deserve to live a long, healthy life, and where there is a will, there’s a way.
If you need help finding that way, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Joseph Naim and his team today to schedule your initial consultation. We’ll happily answer any questions you have about cost, discuss your financing options with you, and do whatever we can to help you make a confident, educated decision about whether to proceed with LAP-BAND® surgery.