Customizable Weight Loss Solutions
Following a primary bariatric procedure, the stomach can stretch and change shape over time, making it difficult to lose weight or maintain weight loss that has already occurred. In other cases, technical complications may compromise the effectiveness of the initial surgery. When you consult with Dr. Naim about a revision procedure, he will perform a thorough examination, review your medical history, and discuss your goals for the procedure. Together, you will develop a customized treatment plan for your revision surgery that can allow you to lose weight, lead a healthier lifestyle, and reduce your risk of any adverse health conditions related to obesity.
Types of Revision Bariatric Surgeries
Depending on your specific needs and goals, Dr. Naim can recommend a revision treatment to help you:
Gastric Bypass Revision Surgery
Following your gastric bypass surgery, your stomach can stretch over time and require refinement in order to experience the desired results of weight loss. After restoring your stomach to the appropriate size and shape for a gastric bypass, you can once again experience the benefits of feeling full sooner and reducing food intake.
LAP-BAND® Revision Surgery
After a patient has had a LAP-BAND® procedure, the band itself may shift out of place and require a revision procedure to reposition the band in the appropriate location. The band may also begin to erode, which can cause infection and many other complications. To correct this, Dr. Naim may recommend replacing the band, or undergoing a revision procedure such as a gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.
Sleeve Gastrectomy Revision Surgery
Dr. Naim may recommend a sleeve gastrectomy procedure if your stomach has changed shape following bariatric surgery. Dr. Naim can revise this procedure to "re-sleeve" the stomach, or he can perform a different type of bariatric procedure to help you achieve the desired results.
Schedule a Revision Bariatric Surgery Appointment
Although bariatric surgery has helped many patients begin new chapters of health in their lives, it is not a guaranteed solution. Fortunately, a skilled surgeon like Dr. Naim can assess the successes and failures of your initial procedure, and determine a new course of action to help you achieve your goals. If you have experienced difficulty losing weight or maintaining weight loss following a primary bariatric procedure, and would like to learn more about a revision surgery, please contact our office and schedule a consultation with Dr. Naim.